New Event Series

Literatur & Musik

Music? Literature? Both!

Authors and musicians come together in the library of the Basel Music Academy. At joint themed evenings, they present the best of the two arts in combination.

Free admission, followed by aperitifs and a book table. In German.

THURSDAY / 21. 11. 24 / 6 PM
Verena Naegele, Hanna Syrneva & Mariana Piuzana

Who was Martha von Castelberg (1892-1971)? The author and music historian Verena Naegele reads from her biographical book "Komponieren, trotz allem" and portrays the Swiss composer and musician. Hanna Syrneva, a student at the Basel University of Music Basel, will perform Castelberg's compositions on the piano together with soprano Mariana Piuzana. A musical reading about "an interesting shadow figure".

THURSDAY / 23. 01. 25 / 6 PM
Ariane Koch & Nadja Zela

Koch and Zela are back together to roam after their successful programme "Aufdrängung & Andromeda". With texts from Koch's theatre text "Kranke Hunde", newly invented songs with drum machine and keytar, as well as medical-grade instruments, the duo has broken free from the leash. An antiseptic literary-musical performance that deals with the absurdities of the healthcare system. The theatre text "Kranke Hunde" was published as a book by Suhrkamp Theater Verlag.


Past events

THURSDAY / 18. 04. 24 / 6 PM

Adam Schwarz & Julian Rombach
Author Adam Schwarz reads from his latest fantastic cruise novel "Glitsch", which was nominated for the Swiss Book Prize.
The freelance artist and ocean pianist Julian Rombach sings songs about seafaring on the piano and guitar and tells anecdotes about everyday life on the high seas. Together they take the audience on a special kind of voyage.

THURSDAY / 14. 03. 24 / 6 PM

Claudio Landolt
What does a mountain sound like? The author, composer and musician Claudio Landolt explores this question in his electronically accompanied performance of his poetry collection "Nicht die Fülle nicht Idylle nicht der Berg". A sensual and poetic portrait of the mountains.